Apr 5, 2015

Bubble football

As the weather got warmer and sunnier in Hamburg I started thinking about what outdoor activities I can try out this year. Then I remembered that there was one cool thing that I tried out last year, that I would like to share with you guys. There are different names for this game, but it is most commonly known as bubble football (soccer). Basically you play football while wearing a giant bubble made out of transparent plastic.
The bubbles have built in harnesses and handles, so you are wearing them like a backpack on your shoulders and the handles help you maneuver the bubble while you are trying to tackle somebody or somebody is trying to tackle you. And believe me there is a lot of tackling involved. Bubble football is definitely a full-contact sport. But there is nothing to worry about. The bubbles are very safe and the tackling, bouncing and rolling over in the bubbles are what makes bubble football so much fun.

At the beginning I was scared to roll over with the bubble, but it looked so awesome when the others did it, that towards the end I gathered some courage and tried it myself. It was much easier than I thought and so much fun! Afterwards I didn’t want to stop. I was rolling around from one side to the other until I was too tired to move at all.

We booked the bubbles for two hours by the Big Balls Hamburg Company. They met with us at the big meadow in Stadtpark in front of the planetarium, where they set everything up for us. They were really nice and helpful. They explained us the rules of the game, and then stayed with us during the whole time in case we needed anything.
We were a group of 18 people and played in teams of 5 and 4 people, changing every 10 minutes. I had so much fun that day, that when I told my team manager at work about it, I inspired him to organize bubble football as our next team event!


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