Jan 15, 2015

Sand painting show

I must say, I am not really fond of the weather in Hamburg in the first 3 months of the year. In December it is also cold, but then there are lights and Christmas markets everywhere, making everything feel festive and motivating me to go outside. In January the lights are taken down and the Christmas markets close, leaving Hamburg grey, rainy and cold. That is why in these months I always try to find interesting events and activities that take place inside, where it is warm, so I’ll be motivated enough to leave the house.

A few days ago I went to a sand painting show in Elbarkaden with my family. I’ve wanted to see a sand painting show ever since I saw a sand video with sand painting on YouTube a couple of years ago. When I saw that there is a 40% off deal at Groupon I jumped at the opportunity and bought tickets for my family and me. 
It was a great show. The artist (Lena Motchalova) stood on a stage in front of an illuminated glass surface and drew with sand pictures accompanied by music and narration. There was a camera above the surface, whose feed was projected on a big screen for the audience to see. I really enjoyed watching how the artist used the sand to morph one picture into another and then into another. Her movements were very fluent and elegant and her drawing was very entertaining to see.

The topic of the show is Hamburg. And although they don’t mention it on the web site, the entire show is narrated in German language. Unfortunately the show is not offered in English, but if you are informed about the main attractions and history of Hamburg, it is very easy to follow the storyline.

There are two categories of tickets: lounge chairs with a table and standard chairs behind the lounge area. The seats are not numerated, so I would suggest you go an hour earlier to get better seats.

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