Apr 19, 2015

The Old Elbe Tunnel

My inspiration for today’s post was my husband. He has lived in Hamburg for more than 6 years and until two weeks ago had never seen the Old Elbe Tunnel.
If you’ve bought at least one tourist guide about Hamburg or you’ve researched online about things to see in Hamburg, then you probably know about the more than 100 years old tunnel under the river Elbe. The tunnel connects central Hamburg with the docks and shipyards on the south side of the river Elbe and is open for pedestrians, bikes and motorized vehicles. 
With its white and cream tiled walls, decorated with ornaments inspired by the river Elbe, the tunnel is definitely worth visiting.

It takes around 15 min to walk from one end of the tunnel to the other and on the other side awaits you a great view of the Landungsbrücken.

Like my husband, most people that come to live in Hamburg see the tourist attractions, like the Old Elbe Tunnel, as locations that will always be there and that can be visited at another, more convenient time and they end up not seeing them at all. 
That is why I try to always find time in the year when I can be a tourist in the city where I live in and I hope I can inspire you with this post to do the same! You never know what small gems in your city you are missing out on.

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